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GenUP™ Micro RNA Kit


  • Fast and simple procedure
  • Optimized binding conditions for high yields of small RNAs
  • Physical removal of DNA, no DNase treatment, no toxic β-mercaptoethanol


  • Efficient isolation of snRNA, miRNA, siRNA, tRNA, rRNA and mRNA from various starting material

Purchase GenUP™ Micro RNA Kit

Availability: In stock

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR0701901 10 preps Solutions, Mini Filters and Vials
BR0701902 50 preps Solutions, Mini Filters and Vials
BR0701903 250 preps Solutions, Mini Filters and Vials

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ GenUP Micro RNA Kit is designed for high yields of small RNA molecules and total RNA, including snRNA, miRNA, siRNA, tRNA, rRNA and mRNA, without the use of highly toxic β-mercaptoethanol. After using well established filter-technology to selectively remove genomic DNA, the RNA is bound, washed and eluted from the filter membrane using RNase-free water.


Eukaryotic cells (5 × 106)
Fresh or frozen tissue or biopsies (up to 20 mg)
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (up to 1 × 109)


Typically 15–40 minutes


100 µg


Depends on the type and the amount of the starting material


High rate of recovery for small RNA molecules


  • Homogenize and lyse the sample material.
  • Centrifuge to pellet unlysed material.
  • Transfer the lysate to the Mini Filter DNA (blue).
  • Centrifuge, and discard the Mini Filter DNA with bound DNA.
  • The filtrate contains the RNA, don’t discard!
  • Add isopropanol to the filtrate.
  • Transfer to a Mini Filter RNA (violet) to bind RNA and centrifuge.
  • Add Buffer WASH A and centrifuge.
  • Add Buffer WASH B and centrifuge.
  • Centrifuge once more to remove residual ethanol.
  • Add Water, RNase-free (for ELUTION), incubate and centrifuge.
  • microRNA in the Elution Tube is ready for use.

For detailed protocol, please, refer to the product manual (Related Documents).

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