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RTS 500 E. coli Disulfide Kit


  • Optimized reaction conditions for the expression of functional disulfide-bonded proteins
  • No need for refolding aggregated proteins
  • CECF technology for yields of up to 2.5 mg


  • Expression of active proteins containing multiple disulfide bonds

Purchase RTS 500 E. coli Disulfide Kit

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1400501 5 reactions of 1 ml Reagents for coupled transcription/translation reactions

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


The biotechrabbit RTS 500 E. coli Disulfide Kit provides an optimized combination of lysate, reagents, chaperones, and buffer systems to produce maximum yields of active proteins containing multiple disulfidebonds in a CECF system.

The kit employs several innovative technologies:

  • Optimized high-yield (HY) E. coli lysate
  • Redox buffer to maintain the system under oxidizing conditions, which enhances disulfide-bond formation
  • Disulfide isomerase for rearrangement of disulfide bonds, which enhances the yields of correctly folded proteins

The CECF technology prolongs the reaction time up to 24 hours and, therefore, enhances protein yield. Transcription, translation and disulfide-bond formation take place in the reaction compartment of the device. Substrates and energy components needed for a sustained reaction are continuously supplied via a semipermeable membrane. At the same time, potentially inhibitory interactions with byproducts are diluted by diffusion through the same membrane into the 1 ml feeding chamber. Depending on the particular protein, expression of up to several milligrams of protein per reaction can be obtained (e.g., >2 mg/ml of active urokinase).

(former product codes: RiNA N-1403-50, 5PRIME 2401520)


Proteins expressed

Standard soluble proteins
Disulfide-bonded proteins
(Fab antibodies)

Reaction time / yield

6–24 h / 2.5 mg (1 ml)

Reaction mode



RTS pIX3.0 Vector
RTS pIVEX E. coli His-tag, 2nd Gen. V.

Quality Control

in vitro transcription/translation protein expression products are manufactured using quality chemicals and materials that meet our high standards. All product components are subjected to rigorous quality assurance testing process:

  • Component testing: each component is tested to ensure the composition and quality meet stated specifications.
  • Performance testing: each product is tested to ensure it meets the stated performance specification.

The RTS disulfide system is the only in vitro protein expression system that can express properly folded disulfide-bonded proteins that cannot be produced under reducing conditions. The RTS E. coli Disulfide Kit is designed for cell-free high-throughput expression of disulfide-bonded proteins from plasmid templates. Use the kit for:

  • Rapid parallel synthesis of disulfide-bonded proteins
  • Rapid functional testing of different constructs (e.g., for epitope or functional domain mapping)
  • Expression of toxic gene products
  • Production of proteins in a wide molecular weight range
  • Optimization of expression conditions (chaperones, detergents, temperature, reaction time, etc.).

For detailed protocol, please, refer to the product manual (Related Documents).

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